WebPic 0.5.0    *new*

WebPic is an application used to take a directory of digital cam pictures and provide a front end for web viewing. It allows you to scale the images to different values, add comments for the pictures, and display them in varying html styles. It uses ImageMagick for the image processing and PerlMagick as the interface. It also requires the use of Tk::JPEG for image display. Please read the included readme for more information on development and bugs.

Current Version: Webpic 0.5.0 (Changelog)

Known Bugs:

- Resizing the main window causes it to not auto-adjust its size when
  an image larger than itself loads.
- I've seen a few problems with the browse buttons (Tk::FileSelect). I
  may change this as it wasn't the original purpose of the module
  but the other options weren't much better IMO.

To Do:

- add the option for the cascade and thumbnail styles for a specific amount
  of images per page.
- add the options to save/load different configs: eg: one for scale only
  and one that is for a specific html style. - figure out a way to create an output directory in selection screen
  (I don't think I can use Tk::FileSelect for this).

SourceForge Summary: WebPic
At a glance: Screenshot
What you need:
http://www.imagemagick.org/ (Image Magick program and libs)
http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/N/NI/NI-S/ (Tk and Tk::JPEG)
http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/J/JC/JCRISTY/ (Image::Magick)

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